Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Drinks are a great low calorie way to reduce hunger, and avoid frustration on the HCG Diet plan. Drinks can be filling, refreshing, or help you quell the craving for that one thing that can make you crazy when on the HCG Diet. Cravings are a big psychological hurdle when you go on any diet, and drinks can be an excellent way to reduce the psychological burden of feeling like you have to sacrifice something that you enjoy eating. This is especially true on the HCG Diet because of its low calorie requirements. Below I’m going to provide a couple of my favorite HCG Diet recipes that deal with a couple of specific cravings.
First, is Hot Apple Cider is a great HCG Diet recipe. Being on a diet during the holiday season can be endlessly frustrating. You may be watching your family members gain 5 pounds, but there is no way you are going down that path. Here is a way you can enjoy apple cider with the family. You can even share, and I bet they’ll like it so much that you have to double your recipe.

Hot Apple Cider

Ingredients (makes approximately 5 servings)
4 apples
5 cups water
2 teaspoons Stevia
1 teaspoon cinnamon
½ teaspoon of nutmeg
½ teaspoon of allspice
½ teaspoon of cloves
½ teaspoon of lemon zest

Preparation and Cooking Instructions
Slice the four apples (approximately 8 slices per apple)
Place the apple slices in an appropriately sized saucepan and pour water over them
Add Stevia and all spices
Simmer mixture at medium heat for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally
Remove apples and save them for later
You now have a delicious apple cider, enjoy 8 ounces a day.
Store remainder in the refrigerator and reheat as necessary.

This is a great wintertime HCG Diet recipe to keep you in the holiday spirit and keep your diet on track. One of the best parts of this drink is the smell; it just smells like the holidays. The taste is also great, it’ll make you forget you are on the HCG Diet.  That is one of the great things about drinks on the HCG Diet plan and getting creative with them. Drinks are a great way to beat cravings without sacrificing large amounts of calories when you are on a diet. This is especially important on a very low calories diet, such as the HCG Diet.

Speaking of beating cravings, my next drink is for the chocolate lovers on the HCG Diet plan who need a great HCG Diet recipe. On any diet I’ve ever been on chocolate is always my biggest weakness, so HCG Diet recipes like this have always been a big help.

Mint Chocolate Coffee Drink (makes 4 servings)
4 cups of coffee
3 teaspoons peppermint stevia
3 teaspoons chocolate stevia
4 cups crushed ice
1 teaspoon cocoa powder (defatted and organic)

Preparation Instructions
Simply combine all of the ingredients in a blender, and blend until a smooth puree. The only alteration I generally recommend is the amount and type of chocolate stevia. For some people the cocoa with chocolate stevia is richer than they prefer, so simply use chocolate stevia to taste. Also, stevia comes in dark or milk chocolate so you can customize your chocolate flavor. Stevia is a wonderful product, and provides so many options, especially in the realm of drinks to beat those cravings using HCG Diet recipes.

I encourage you to think of your own HCG Diet recipes also. The HCG Diet plan is simple and provides the HCG Diet approved foods, so you can figure out what you can eat and what you can combine. If you ever have any questions about your HCG Diet there a plenty of available resources, starting with whomever prescribed you the HCG Diet.



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